Get History
Request Parameters:
page: The page number to retrieve history data (e.g., 1).
sort: The sorting order for the history data, which can be either "date_desc" for descending order or "date_asc" for ascending order.
type: This is optional and allows you to filter the history by transaction type. You can specify "WITHDRAWAL" or "DEPOSIT" or leave it unset if you want to get both withdrawal and deposit transactions.
Request Example:
Response Example:
The response includes an array of transaction items, each containing the following details:
uid: A unique identifier for the transaction.
uid - search for transactions by uid
orderId - search for transactions by orderId
type: The type of transaction (e.g., "DEPOSIT").
status: The status of the transaction (e.g., "PENDING").
currency: The currency used in the transaction (e.g., "EUR").
fee: The fee associated with the transaction (e.g., "3.000000000000000000").
paymentId: The payment identifier for the transaction.
orderId: A unique identifier for the order.
createdAt: The timestamp of when the transaction was created.
receivedAmount: The received amount (e.g., "-2").
amount: The transaction amount (e.g., "1").
The response provides transaction history, including details about the type, status, currency, and amounts for each transaction. You can adjust the request parameters to retrieve specific transaction types or change the sorting order.
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